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Ministry Calling

Since receiving Christ as her personal  Savior in 1991, Tamara has had a love and passion for seeing the next generation follow Jesus and live a transformed life. Her passion extends also to training up children's leaders and equipping churches to disciple kids in their community.








puppets, children's evangelsm

For 13 years Tamara co-directed Kidz Romania, a national ministry serving local Romanian churches in the area of children's evangelism and discipleship. The Kidz Romania team, consisting of Romanians, American Missionaries and El Salvadorian Missionaries, travel throughout the country to assist churches with evangelistic outreaches in their community. The team also leads children's worker's training seminars, equipping next-generation leaders to disciple the children in their community. The ministry team also leads the Junior/Adolescent Bible Quiz (JBQ/ABQ) ministry, leads King's Castle discipleship ministry, leads Character Matters public school assembly program, produces a Christian animated children's television program, leads summer kids and adolescent summer camps and writes and distributes curriculum produced specifically for the Romanian culture. Tamara believes strongly in working as a team and believes the ministry is stronger when everyone collaborates together for God's Kingdom. 


Tamara also has a passion for one on one coaching and walking people through living a transformed life whether it be spiritual, emotional or physical. She also loves speaking to groups sharing God's amazing story through transformational experiences from her own life and out of God's Word. 


Tamara is now entering into a new season of life as she prepares to expand ministry into Montenegro.  Many have asked her if she will be doing the same ministry as she has been doing in Romania these past 13 years. Since Romania has thousands of churches in which the Kidz Romania team has access to work with to train up next-generation leaders yet


What this actually looks like is to be determined but it will involve learning the Montenegrin language, learning the culture and building relationships. Please pray for Tamara as she begins this new journey. 

Montenegro only has about six evangelical churches (one of which is Pentecostal) with only a couple hundred Evangelical believers in the entire country, there is simply no comparison. Her response to this disparity "how can I train up next-generation leaders when we have so few present-day believers?"  Her calling in Montenegro will be to do as Scripture commands us to do: Follow Jesus, obey Him and go and make disciples. Her heart is to see individual lives transformed, people discipled, Pentecostal Churches planted throughout the country, national leaders trained and next-generation ministries flourishing. 

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